
EduceLab | A Digital Restoration Initiative

EduceLab | A Digital Restoration Initiative

What is Heritage Science?

Heritage science is the interdisciplinary domain of scientific study of cultural or natural heritage. Heritage science draws on diverse humanities, sciences and engineering disciplines. It focuses on enhancing the understanding, care and sustainable use of heritage so it can enrich people's lives, both today and in the future. Heritage science is an umbrella term encompassing all forms of scientific enquiry into human works and the combined works of nature and humans, of value to people.

What is EduceLab?


EduceLab is a highly specialized heritage science laboratory expertly designed to provide data-intensive yet object-centric solutions to the most challenging problems in the study of cultural heritage. Its unique ecosystem of non-destructive instrumentation offers key scientific capabilities that are crucial to addressing the challenging variability of heritage science contexts. These capabilities include:

  • Materials characterization
  • Advanced multimodal imaging (tomography, photography, photogrammetry) with gold standard bench equipment as well as a flexible, configurable prototype environment
  • Cyberinfrastructure and methodologies for capturing, structuring, processing, and mining large-scale data sets
  • Mobile and flexibly-deployed instrumentation for in-situ data acquisition and on-site evaluations

EduceLab comprises four operational clusters – BENCH, MOBILE, FLEX, and CYBER. Each one is based on usage patterns that match the needs of diverse heritage science communities.


Gold-standard, high-capacity laboratory equipment in a fixed, controlled environment for precise measurement and analysis


Mobile equipment that can be deployed on-site for collections and landscapes that cannot travel


A protean environment for envisioning, building, and testing custom instrument configurations that address contexts impervious to laboratory analysis and on-site capabilities


Cyberinfrastructure that powers efficient data flow through the entire infrastructure, from data acquisition to structured analysis, supporting the application of new techniques in data science and artificial intelligence.

How EduceLab Works