
wp db – WP-CLI Command |

wp db <command>

Performs basic database operations using credentials stored in wp-config.php.

In this article


# Create a new database.
$ wp db create
Success: Database created.

# Drop an existing database.
$ wp db drop --yes
Success: Database dropped.

# Reset the current database.
$ wp db reset --yes
Success: Database reset.

# Execute a SQL query stored in a file.
$ wp db query < debug.sql


wp db check

Checks the current status of the database.

wp db clean

Removes all tables with `$table_prefix` from the database.

wp db cli

Opens a MySQL console using credentials from wp-config.php

wp db columns

Displays information about a given table.

wp db create

Creates a new database.

wp db drop

Deletes the existing database.

wp db export

Exports the database to a file or to STDOUT.

wp db import

Imports a database from a file or from STDIN.

wp db optimize

Optimizes the database.

wp db prefix

Displays the database table prefix.

wp db query

Executes a SQL query against the database.

wp db repair

Repairs the database.

wp db reset

Removes all tables from the database.

wp db search

Finds a string in the database.

wp db size

Displays the database name and size.

wp db tables

Lists the database tables.

Command documentation is regenerated at every release. To add or update an example, please submit a pull request against the corresponding part of the codebase.