BP Docs-Chat Agenda June 12, 2024


Our next documentation meeting will happen on June 12, 2024, at 19:00 UTC (today) in #BuddyPress. Here’s our agenda:

  • BP Documentation tracker status.
  • Latest updates about documentation (Achieved goals).
  • New goals to achieve before the next documentation meeting.

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss, please share them in the comments area of this post.


BP Docs-Chat Summary May 29, 2024

We started the meeting discussing about the fact we were out of sync about chat leading turns. We’ve reset the order:

  1. @im4th
  2. @vapvarun
  3. @emaralive

@vapvarun will lead next docs meeting!

BP Documentation tracker status.

We achieved 1 migration task, our current status is 40%. A 1% increase is progressing!

BP Template hierarchy discussion

@vapvarun wondered why we have 2 different documentation tasks about this topic: #247 (<- he submitted a PR about its migration 💪) & #250 which informs about the buddypress Theme support. @im4th explained this template hierarchy is slightly different whether you are overriding a Template Pack template or a standalone BP Theme template. We’ll soon use a lot more the buddypress Theme support to check whether a standalone theme supports BP Components specific features.

BP Email discussion

We’ve found 2 bugs:

  • plain text emails should include an unsubscribe link.
  • the bp_email_set_content_type filter is not behaving as expected. See #9169: @dcavins fixed it 💪.

@im4th suggested we look into using wp_mail() function to send BP Emails as it supports multipart emails. It should let us enjoy WP SMTP plugins.

“WP Admin Help Tabs” documentation


Shared goals for next chat

  • @im4th‘s goal is to add new help tabs to the user’s WP Admin/extended profile screen as well as the Activity WP Admin screen.
  • @emaralive‘s goal is to work on a documentation page about the BP site invitation opt-outs so that we can soon add an help tab for the corresponding WP Admin/Tools screen.
  • @vapvarun‘s goal is to submit PRs about using Post Type Activities (#197) & how to join a private group (#195).

Open Floor

@vapvarun also shared Matt’s post about WordPress 21th anniversary which includes a nice mention to bbPress and BuddyPress.

Forums should be front and center in the community. bbPress and BuddyPress need some love.

Matt Mullenweg

We 💯 agree!

Next Docs-Chat

It will happen (today!) on June 12, 2024 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress.

#docs-chat, #documentation, #summary

BP Docs-Chat Agenda May 29, 2024


Our next documentation meeting will happen on May 29 at 19:00 UTC (today) in #BuddyPress. Here’s our agenda:

  • BP Documentation tracker status.
  • Latest updates about documentation (Achieved goals).
  • New goals to achieve before next documentation meeting.

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss, please share them in the comments area of this post.

#agenda, #docs-chat

BP Docs-Chat Summary May 16, 2024

BP Documentation tracker status.

Between April 24 & May 16:

  • PR created : 3
  • PR reviewed : 1
  • PR converted : 3

We achieved 3 migration tasks, 43 were remaining at the time of the meeting. @emaralive informed the team we increased by 5 points our global ratio about what needs to be done compared to what has been actually done. Our current status is 39%.

PS: we also agreed, it was simpler to only track this ratio for next meetings.

“Activation emails” discussion

@vapvarun alerted the team on the increase of support topics about issues getting the activation emails to effectively reach the registered users. It’s not an easy issue to fix, that’s why we need a documentation page to explain how to troubleshoot it.

“WP Admin Help Tabs” documentation


Shared goals for next chat

  • @im4th‘s goal was to add new help tabs to the Emails WP Admin screens. ✅ See: r13868.
  • @emaralive‘s goal was to have an help tab for the BP Repair WP Admin Screen. ✅ See r13869. He also improved the corresponding documentation page: 💪 see r13875.
  • @vapvarun‘s goal is to submit a PR about using Group Types like the one he added about Member Types.

Open Floor

@vapvarun also shared his plans about working on PR for these 3 other migrate tasks:

@im4th informed it was too early to work on Sitewide Notices documentation as he was actively working on an important change about it during BP 14.0.0 development cycle.

Next Docs-Chat

It will happen on May 29, 2024 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress.

#docs-chat, #documentation, #summary

BP Docs-Chat Agenda May 16, 2024


Our next documentation meeting will happen on May 16 at 19:00 UTC (today) in #BuddyPress. Here’s our agenda:

  • BP Documentation tracker status.
  • WP Admin Help Tabs documentation progress so far.
  • Let’s share some goals before next documentations meeting.

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss, please share them in the comments area of this post.

#docs-chat, #documentation

BP Docs-Chat Summary April 24, 2024

BP Documentation tracker status.

Between April 10 & April 24, we haven’t progressed much about documentation. We were very busy working on the 12.4.1 security release and on the 14.0.0 tickets.

  • PR created : 0
  • PR reviewed : 0
  • PR converted : 0

The need to prioritize Documentation tasks

Following up our previous discussions about our various Multisite configs…

@vapvarun shared with us the great work he’s been doing into this area to prepare a documentation resource about it. He made 4 videos to explain the 4 possible BP Multisite configs:

BP Activated at the Network level, community area on main site of the network
BP only activated on one of the site of the network.
BP Activated at the Network level, community area on a secondary site of the Network
BP Multiblog config 🧗‍♂️

@im4th shared his feelings about all these set-ups : as we’re a short contributor team, we need to prioritize what we document according to the “popularity” of the set-up (in terms of number of people using it). Let’s pick the 2 or 3 most used configs and concentrate on their documentations.

@vapvarun picked the 3 first configs to work on a PR he has since submitted 💪 . He also plans to work on pushing PRs about these 2 other migrate tasks:

Documentation pages to use in BP Admin Screen help tabs

@emaralive has been referencing all BP Admin Screens needing a documentation link into this GH discussion. We decided to share migrate tasks about these documentation pages this way:

Open Floor

@emaralive made a very interesting “map” of all Admin places where BuddyPress is adding pages.

@vapvarun introduced Pooja Sahgal to the team, she will regularly contribute to BP Forums, welcome on board 😍.

Next Docs-Chat

It will happen on May 15, 2024 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress. (We decided to postpone meetings by a week to fully test BuddyPress 12.4.1 & prepare a 12.5 minor release).

#docs-chat, #documentation, #summary

BP Docs-Chat Agenda April 24, 2024


Our next documentation meeting will happen on April 24 at 19:00 UTC (today) in #BuddyPress. Here’s our agenda:

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss, please share them in the comments area of this post.

#agenda, #docs-chat

BP Docs-Chat Summary April 10, 2024

BP Documentation tracker status.

Phase 1 (a.k.a., BP Codex migration meta task ) was completed which resulted in a total quantity of  271 BP Codex pages reviewed,  which netted 208 pages to be ignored and 63 pages to be migrated.

The actual count of issues created were:

  • 209 ignore – the extra issue was a duplicate – 209 -1 = 208
  • 58 migrate – there were 5 pages that were included within a single issue – 58 + 5 = 63

For Phase 2 (a.k.a., BP Documentation meta task) the main emphasis is document creation and, if necessary, the updating of documents previously created during Phase 1, as well as Phase 2.

A question was posed (by @emaralive) as to the presentation of statistics for Phase 2; IOW, what should be included? @im4th suggested:

  • PR created
  • PR reviewed
  • PR converted

In an effort to help facilitate the tracking and gathering of metrics for the statistics @emaralive suggested and completed action to archive the 208 ignore issues. This left a total of 71 issues of which 24 issues were completed , by @im4th and @vapvarun, (status of Done) during Phase 1, which left 47 open issues (status of Todo and In Progress) and the % of complete (as of April 10, 2024) to be 34%.

Futhermore, @emaralive created additional views within the project for documentation (although, this appeared to have gone unnoticed):

Although, not explicitly stated, the additional project views could help with the gathering of data in support of the statistics, for example:

OpenClosed% Complete


TodoIn ProgressDone% Complete

However, presentation of documentation statistics is still open to discussion, since this topic has not been settled.

Follow-up on BuddyPress Multiblog & BuddyPress Multi Network

A comment was posted regarding BP Docs-Chat Summary March 28, 2024 and the poster’s concern for the deprecation of the BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG constant and whether this would affect a plugin the poster was using.. @im4th volunteered to make a reply to the comment and completed the action.

@vapvarun reported his efforts in support of documentation for this area of interest (Multiblog/Multi Network/Multisite):

  • The availability of screenshots
  • The availability of 3 dedicated videos

Additionally, @im4th & @vapvarun conversed a bit about the logistics of embedding/including videos within GH (GitHub) documents.

Open Floor

@im4th revealed the completion of a:

“generic” area for resources common to all Handbooks

Whereby documents such as the following can reside:

@emaralive suggested and volunteered to update the main README.md for the bp-documentation repo, since Phase 1 has been completed, which makes the content outdated, along with the removal of 2 issue templates (ignore & migrate) that are no longer relevant. This task has yet to be started and @im4th volunteered to review the changes, once a PR has be generated.

Next Docs-Chat

It will happen on April 24, 2024 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress.

#docs-chat, #documentation, #summary

BP Docs-Chat Agenda April 10, 2024


Our next documentation meeting will happen on April 10 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress. Here’s our agenda:

  • BP Documentation tracker status.
    • Phase 1 complete – BP Codex migration.
    • Phase 2 – Document creation/updating.
      • Discuss documentation tracker status metrics for phase 2.
  • Follow-up on BuddyPress Multiblog & BuddyPress Multi Network
    • Review/answer comment by val cosgrave (@delpucci)
  • Open floor.

If you have specific or additional points to discuss, please do so in the comments section of this pos

#agenda, #docs-chat, #documentation

BP Docs-Chat Agenda March 13, 2024


Our next documentation meeting will happen on March 13 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress. Here’s our agenda:

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss, please share them in the comments area of this post.

#agenda, #docs-chat, #documentation