BP Docs-Chat Summary May 29, 2024

We started the meeting discussing about the fact we were out of sync about chat leading turns. We’ve reset the order:

  1. @im4th
  2. @vapvarun
  3. @emaralive

@vapvarun will lead next docs meeting!

BP Documentation tracker status.

We achieved 1 migration task, our current status is 40%. A 1% increase is progressing!

BP Template hierarchy discussion

@vapvarun wondered why we have 2 different documentation tasks about this topic: #247 (<- he submitted a PR about its migration 💪) & #250 which informs about the buddypress Theme support. @im4th explained this template hierarchy is slightly different whether you are overriding a Template Pack template or a standalone BP Theme template. We’ll soon use a lot more the buddypress Theme support to check whether a standalone theme supports BP Components specific features.

BP Email discussion

We’ve found 2 bugs:

  • plain text emails should include an unsubscribe link.
  • the bp_email_set_content_type filter is not behaving as expected. See #9169: @dcavins fixed it 💪.

@im4th suggested we look into using wp_mail() function to send BP Emails as it supports multipart emails. It should let us enjoy WP SMTP plugins.

“WP Admin Help Tabs” documentation


Shared goals for next chat

  • @im4th‘s goal is to add new help tabs to the user’s WP Admin/extended profile screen as well as the Activity WP Admin screen.
  • @emaralive‘s goal is to work on a documentation page about the BP site invitation opt-outs so that we can soon add an help tab for the corresponding WP Admin/Tools screen.
  • @vapvarun‘s goal is to submit PRs about using Post Type Activities (#197) & how to join a private group (#195).

Open Floor

@vapvarun also shared Matt’s post about WordPress 21th anniversary which includes a nice mention to bbPress and BuddyPress.

Forums should be front and center in the community. bbPress and BuddyPress need some love.

Matt Mullenweg

We 💯 agree!

Next Docs-Chat

It will happen (today!) on June 12, 2024 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress.

#docs-chat, #documentation, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Summary May 22, 2024

🧰 BuddyPress 14.0.0

We started by talking about the ticket #9161 (adding an help tab to the Repair WP Admin screen) @im4th thanked @emaralive for his work about it 💪.

We shared our satisfaction about the patch @emaralive @espellcaste & @im4th contributed to to fix the group admins/mods capacity issue (#8728). It has been committed shortly after the meeting.

We also discussed about 2 other Groups component tickets:

  • #9158 which is involving BP Nouveau & the BP REST API: notifications about group role promotions weren’t sent. Guess what, we fixed it shortly after the chat 😅,
  • #9154 which is involving BP Legacy: it wasn’t possible to accept a public group invite from the Groups directory. It has been fixed 💪.

About #9098 we shared our thoughts about how to improve the SiteWide Notice feature. We will introduce a priority order instead of dealing with only 1 notice until everyone has dismissed it. We’ll carry on displaying one notice at a time and a pagination will let members move to following notices. Although @im4th was confident he could finish his work on it, he lately moved the ticket up to next major version as not enough time was remaining until the 14.0.0-beta1 release.

About #8319, the Block Activity Post Form will also be delayed. @im4th hopes he will be able to have a first beta of this Add-on once BuddyPress 14.0.0 will be released. In BP Core he will focus on including the needed code to wrap the WP current_theme_supports() function so that it can be used to check for BuddyPress support globally or for components specific features support.

14.0.0 updated schedule

  • June 6: 14.0.0-beta1.
  • July 8: 14.0.0.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on Wednesday June 5, 2024 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress.

#14-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Docs-Chat Summary May 16, 2024

BP Documentation tracker status.

Between April 24 & May 16:

  • PR created : 3
  • PR reviewed : 1
  • PR converted : 3

We achieved 3 migration tasks, 43 were remaining at the time of the meeting. @emaralive informed the team we increased by 5 points our global ratio about what needs to be done compared to what has been actually done. Our current status is 39%.

PS: we also agreed, it was simpler to only track this ratio for next meetings.

“Activation emails” discussion

@vapvarun alerted the team on the increase of support topics about issues getting the activation emails to effectively reach the registered users. It’s not an easy issue to fix, that’s why we need a documentation page to explain how to troubleshoot it.

“WP Admin Help Tabs” documentation


Shared goals for next chat

  • @im4th‘s goal was to add new help tabs to the Emails WP Admin screens. ✅ See: r13868.
  • @emaralive‘s goal was to have an help tab for the BP Repair WP Admin Screen. ✅ See r13869. He also improved the corresponding documentation page: 💪 see r13875.
  • @vapvarun‘s goal is to submit a PR about using Group Types like the one he added about Member Types.

Open Floor

@vapvarun also shared his plans about working on PR for these 3 other migrate tasks:

@im4th informed it was too early to work on Sitewide Notices documentation as he was actively working on an important change about it during BP 14.0.0 development cycle.

Next Docs-Chat

It will happen on May 29, 2024 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress.

#docs-chat, #documentation, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Summary May 2, 2024

👷‍♂️ 12.4.1 Retrospective

We started the meeting discussing about Security Releases process. This process is happening very privately and we are making sure to be as quiet as possible about the security fix(es) we include into the code. BuddyPress Committers received a security alert from the WordPress Plugin Team on April 20. It was involving our dynamic Block Widgets (read 12.4.1 changelog for more information about it). Once we fixed it, as requested by the WordPress Plugin Team, we performed a complete Security Check about BuddyPress code using the Plugin Check plugin. This check revealed many escaping improvements were needed. As security is our first priority, we decided to also include all needed escaping improvements into the 12.4.1 security release, even if we knew we were taking the risk of being too conservative about some of these (Security Releases can’t be beta tested). Once the security release was published, some escapes were actually problematic and generated 5 regressions.

During the chat, we took the decisions:

  • to take more time to test 12.4.1 to eventually find other regressions postponing our next meetings by a week ;
  • to quickly package a maintenance release to get rid of these regressions (12.5.0 has been released on May 14, 2024) ;
  • to improve our GitHub action checking WordPress Coding standards so that it now includes Escaping rules (@espellcaste committed the improvements on May 4, 2024).

NB: #9080 (Deployment Process review) would be a really great improvement: building the Security Releases was a pretty long task as we backported the fix to the 11.0, 10.0 & 9.0 branches and the 11.4.1, 10.6.3 & 9.2.3 tags were made available on the Plugin Directory.

🧰 BuddyPress 14.0.0

We then talked about ticket #8728 (allowing group mods/admins to delete corresponding group activities): @im4th has grouped unit tests and patch into this GitHub PR which is also taking in account @needle feedback. We decided to take more time to test the PR before committing it to SVN trunk.

@espellcaste asked the team whether we should also sort values for xProfile options (see #8728): we agreed field option values should respect the sort options for multiselect/checkbox fields.

@espellcaste requested team’s opinion about the fact it’s currently possible to request many activation emails “resend” (see #9137): we agreed we should add some sort of feedback to the user after locking them for a period of time (maybe an hour, will be configurable), a bit like WordPress does it for comments.

Finally we talked about a possible breaking change about including all additional signup fields into the BP REST API corresponding endpoint (see this PR). As it was a bit late and we needed more time to figure it out @im4th made his suggestions a bit later. @espellcaste has since merged the PR and wrote a great developer note about it.

14.0.0 schedule reminder

  • June 3: 14.0.0-beta1.
  • July 8: 14.0.0.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on Wednesday May 22, 2024 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress.

#12-0-0, #14-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Docs-Chat Summary April 24, 2024

BP Documentation tracker status.

Between April 10 & April 24, we haven’t progressed much about documentation. We were very busy working on the 12.4.1 security release and on the 14.0.0 tickets.

  • PR created : 0
  • PR reviewed : 0
  • PR converted : 0

The need to prioritize Documentation tasks

Following up our previous discussions about our various Multisite configs…

@vapvarun shared with us the great work he’s been doing into this area to prepare a documentation resource about it. He made 4 videos to explain the 4 possible BP Multisite configs:

BP Activated at the Network level, community area on main site of the network
BP only activated on one of the site of the network.
BP Activated at the Network level, community area on a secondary site of the Network
BP Multiblog config 🧗‍♂️

@im4th shared his feelings about all these set-ups : as we’re a short contributor team, we need to prioritize what we document according to the “popularity” of the set-up (in terms of number of people using it). Let’s pick the 2 or 3 most used configs and concentrate on their documentations.

@vapvarun picked the 3 first configs to work on a PR he has since submitted 💪 . He also plans to work on pushing PRs about these 2 other migrate tasks:

Documentation pages to use in BP Admin Screen help tabs

@emaralive has been referencing all BP Admin Screens needing a documentation link into this GH discussion. We decided to share migrate tasks about these documentation pages this way:

Open Floor

@emaralive made a very interesting “map” of all Admin places where BuddyPress is adding pages.

@vapvarun introduced Pooja Sahgal to the team, she will regularly contribute to BP Forums, welcome on board 😍.

Next Docs-Chat

It will happen on May 15, 2024 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress. (We decided to postpone meetings by a week to fully test BuddyPress 12.4.1 & prepare a 12.5 minor release).

#docs-chat, #documentation, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Summary April 17, 2024

🧰 BuddyPress 14.0.0

We first talked about ticket #8728 (allowing group mods/admins to delete corresponding group activities):

  • @emaralive did a great job reviewing existing group roles capabilities. We now have a clear understanding of these.
  • He also worked on fixing the filter callback so that it actually do what it was built for: allowing group mods/admins to delete corresponding activities.
  • @espellcaste has prepared unit tests about it.
  • The last point we needed to take a decision about was to introduce a global community setting to let the site’s Administrator to allow/disallow group mods/admins to delete activity as well as a « per group » basis setting to let the group creator to allow/disallow this delegation for their group. We all agreed it will be a nice addition. So next steps about this ticket is to build the corresponding UIs (BP Settings Admin screen + Group’s create/manage/admin screens).
  • As this summary is being written very late, @emaralive has updated the patch on the ticket 4 days ago and suggests we don’t need a group setting: promoting members to mods or admins seems sufficient.

We then talked about the Activity Block Editor (see ticket #8319):

« Videmo » of the BP Activity Block Editor Add-on
  • It’s still a work in progress that needs improvements such as being able to use this editor to comment an activity (@emaralive noted it), making sure using the paragraph block’s alignment button actually aligns the posted activity.
  • It replaces the current Activity WP Admin screen with a specific Activity stream using this editor to post, edit & comment existing activities.
  • Goal is to first publish it as « feature as a plugin » on WordPress Plugin directory, see how people welcome/use it before eventually merging it into the BP Activity component.

We finally talked about other tickets progress:

  • #8976 Adding custom xProfile fields to registration REST API endpoint: @espellcaste has made great progress about it and should have it fixed soon.
  • #9129 Automated tests with cache services: @espellcaste informed us we’d need a specific GitHub Action to reach this goal as it doesn’t seem possible to use the WordPress env package.
  • #6123 has been fixed, 14.0.0 won’t create users during a regular WP user registration, see this developer note for additional information.

    14.0.0 schedule reminder

    • June 3: 14.0.0-beta1.
    • July 8: 14.0.0.

    Next Dev-Chat

    It will happen today Thursday May 2, 2024 at 19:00 UTC (exceptionaly as yesterday was a day off) in #BuddyPress.

    #14-0-0, #agenda, #dev-chat, #summary

    BP Docs-Chat Summary April 10, 2024

    BP Documentation tracker status.

    Phase 1 (a.k.a., BP Codex migration meta task ) was completed which resulted in a total quantity of  271 BP Codex pages reviewed,  which netted 208 pages to be ignored and 63 pages to be migrated.

    The actual count of issues created were:

    • 209 ignore – the extra issue was a duplicate – 209 -1 = 208
    • 58 migrate – there were 5 pages that were included within a single issue – 58 + 5 = 63

    For Phase 2 (a.k.a., BP Documentation meta task) the main emphasis is document creation and, if necessary, the updating of documents previously created during Phase 1, as well as Phase 2.

    A question was posed (by @emaralive) as to the presentation of statistics for Phase 2; IOW, what should be included? @im4th suggested:

    • PR created
    • PR reviewed
    • PR converted

    In an effort to help facilitate the tracking and gathering of metrics for the statistics @emaralive suggested and completed action to archive the 208 ignore issues. This left a total of 71 issues of which 24 issues were completed , by @im4th and @vapvarun, (status of Done) during Phase 1, which left 47 open issues (status of Todo and In Progress) and the % of complete (as of April 10, 2024) to be 34%.

    Futhermore, @emaralive created additional views within the project for documentation (although, this appeared to have gone unnoticed):

    Although, not explicitly stated, the additional project views could help with the gathering of data in support of the statistics, for example:

    OpenClosed% Complete


    TodoIn ProgressDone% Complete

    However, presentation of documentation statistics is still open to discussion, since this topic has not been settled.

    Follow-up on BuddyPress Multiblog & BuddyPress Multi Network

    A comment was posted regarding BP Docs-Chat Summary March 28, 2024 and the poster’s concern for the deprecation of the BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG constant and whether this would affect a plugin the poster was using.. @im4th volunteered to make a reply to the comment and completed the action.

    @vapvarun reported his efforts in support of documentation for this area of interest (Multiblog/Multi Network/Multisite):

    • The availability of screenshots
    • The availability of 3 dedicated videos

    Additionally, @im4th & @vapvarun conversed a bit about the logistics of embedding/including videos within GH (GitHub) documents.

    Open Floor

    @im4th revealed the completion of a:

    “generic” area for resources common to all Handbooks

    Whereby documents such as the following can reside:

    @emaralive suggested and volunteered to update the main README.md for the bp-documentation repo, since Phase 1 has been completed, which makes the content outdated, along with the removal of 2 issue templates (ignore & migrate) that are no longer relevant. This task has yet to be started and @im4th volunteered to review the changes, once a PR has be generated.

    Next Docs-Chat

    It will happen on April 24, 2024 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress.

    #docs-chat, #documentation, #summary

    BP Dev-Chat Summary April 3, 2024

    🧰 BuddyPress 14.0.0

    Although we planned to share the progress we achieved about 14.0.0 tickets, just after @vapvarun informed he will work on #9097 (Member type assignment), we focused our attention on Group roles (#8728: making sure the group’s moderator role can better assist the group’s administrators).

    Let’s clarify what can do each advanced role of a Group

    If #8728 is about letting group moderators delete group activities, we extended the discussion to group admins and a particular group admin : the group creator.

    • The bug: it looks like this filter callback is not doing the job it should. Group moderators according to this code should be able to delete group activities.
    • @im4th’s concern: deleting someone else content is a serious move. He personally thinks instead of deleting the activity, all group roles should only be able to remove the activity from the group or spam it. He also hardly understands why an activity could be deleted as it’s possible to spam & kick a group member. He asked to check what happens to activities a group member shared within the group once they are marked as spammer or kicked out of the group.
    • BP Team’s majority is thinking group moderators and admins should be able to delete group activities and understands why sometime we might need to delete one off topic activity instead of spamming the group member.
    • @emaralive suggested to leave site admins then group admins choose about whether group activities can be moderated:
      • Site owner determines whether group activities can be moderated.
      • Group creator/admins determine whether group mods can moderate group activities.
    • When Akismet is active, activities can be marked as spams. @vapvarun suggested to use the activity spam flag to allow moderation within a group. He then quicky checked if group admins or moderators can use this feature: it turned out only Site Admins can use it!
    • Finally, @im4th suggested the following steps to clarify the situation:
      • Test widely what a mod can do in a group (eg: can he ban/kick/spam a user, delete an activity etc..)
      • Test widely what a group admin can do
      • Test widely what a group creator can do
      • Understand why the `bp_groups_filter_activity_user_can_delete` filter is not doing what it should.
    • @emaralive who is assigned on the ticket agreed & will investigate 🕵️‍♂️.

    14.0.0 schedule reminder

    • June 3: 14.0.0-beta1.
    • July 8: 14.0.0.

    Next Dev-Chat

    It will happen on Wednesday April 17, 2024 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress.

    #14-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

    BP Dev-Chat Summary March 20, 2024

    📦 12.4.0 minor release

    During the chat we discussed about the opportunity to build this maintenance release a bit before WordPress 6.5. @emaralive volunteered to test the last unfixed ticket of the milestone (See #9086). At the end of our chat @vapvarun brought #9096 to the discussion. The Last activity repair tool has become obsolete and we forgot to remove it from the available BP tools. Site Admins who used it so far experienced a very annoying effect: after the last activity item are removed they are not generated back. Result is the Members directory can have no active users displayed. We’ve explained why this tool was added in BuddyPress 2.0 and came to the conclusion it should now be removed to prevent the issue about « vanishing » Active Members. We evaluated we couldn’t wait for a major release like we’re used to do for such a change and decided to fix it into this maintenance release. 12.4.0 was released on March 25.

    🧰 BuddyPress 14.0.0

    Thanks to #9086 patch, @dcavins transitioned to a ticket slated to the 14.0.0 milestone: #9063. The goal of this ticket is to be able to have BP directory pages as children of another one. Instead of doing this @im4th’s plan is to only use the WP rewrite rules improving the BP Rewrites API to make support custom root prefix (eg: replace / by /community/ for instance.

    The Site Wide Notices debate

    In short, @im4th opened this ticket #9098 to explain why he thinks this feature should become a Core feature instead of being dependent of the BP Messages component.

    • At the beginning of the debate, moving it to the BP Notifications component (probably to improve consistency) seemed a better option.
    • @im4th’s concern was not satisfied with this scenario as it’s still an optional component: using Site Wide Notices to replace the Admin Notifications workaround we introduced in version 11.4.0 couldn’t be achieved as this component might be not active on some setups. He’d rather wait for the WP Notifications feature as a plugin in this case.
    • @espellcaste then suggested to build a new BP Add-on for this Notice feature. In this case we’d still need to use the Admin Notifications workaround to inform Admin Users about the big changes we plan to achieve in BuddyPress future. As @dcavins noted « Yes, the 11.4 workaround was pretty workaroundy. » 😅
    • @espellcaste last suggestion reached a consensus: build Site Wide Notices as a Core feature but make sure it integrates well with the Notifications component when active.
    • @im4th shared the main goals of this Core change:
      • improve the Site Wide Notices feature right away so that Admin Users can read our important messages but not into the WordPress Admin Notices traffic jam.
      • & let Admin Users still using it to inform all community members at once on the front-end (the current feature).

    14.0.0 top features

    1. @emaralive suggested #8319: using the Block Editor to write BP Activities. The potential for such an editor for the Activity component is very interesting: for instance BP Attachments is already using « Activity blocks » to post media from the Activity Block Editor (feature as a plugin). We could add Polls, Links etc…
    2. @dcavins suggested #1058: being able to export / import BP Data is something we’ve been thinking about for a while and it would be nice to engage into the Data Liberation WordPress project.
    3. @emaralive also suggested #9057: being able to deactivate the BP registration workflows. Building it as an optional component is not the road @im4th thinks we should take. Instead it should be a « deactivable » Members feature. @dcavins will look at it starting slowly by only using the WP signups table and stop creating users on regular WordPress sites.
    4. @dcavins also suggested #8728: making sure the group’s moderator role can better assist the group’s administrators. @emaralive is working on it and thinks he will fix the ticket during the 14.0.0 development cycle.

    Finally we quicky talked about BuddyPress permissions management and realized there’s a lot of possible improvements to bring to this part of the software.

    14.0.0 schedule reminder

    • June 3: 14.0.0-beta1.
    • July 8: 14.0.0.

    Next Dev-Chat

    It will happen on Wednesday April 3, 2024 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress.

    #12-0-0, #14-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

    BP Dev-Chat Summary March 4, 2024

    ⏰ New development meeting day/time

    @im4th suggested to change the day and time we meet to discuss about BuddyPress development so that it’s more suitable for contributors located in Asian time zones. Let’s come back to our “legacy” day/time: every other Wednesdays at 19:00 UTC!

    @emaralive @espellcaste & @dcavins agreed (even during DST, 19:00 UTC can be problematic for David’s presence during 1st meeting half).

    As Documentations chats are also happening at this day/time, we’re always meeting on Wednesdays at 19:00 UTC and depending on the current week number, we’ll be talking about development (even weeks) or documentations (odd weeks).

      🧰 BuddyPress 14.0.0

      Release lead: imath

      @im4th asked if one of us was wishing to lead this release: @dcavins won’t be able to find the time to, @espellcaste volunteered to lead next major release. To let the time to @emaralive to experience a full release development cycle, @im4th volunteered & is the 14.0.0 release lead.

      Ticket updates

      To view the full tickets list slated for this milestone, go there!

      • @emaralive hasn’t progressed yet about #8728 (Allow group moderators to moderate group activities).
      • @espellcaste has put together a local site about BP CLI commands reference (See #9113).
      • @dcavins has not progressed about #8794. It’s a pretty sensitive subject as it deals with capabilities in WP Admin. Best approach seems to be to build a specific & new Admin screen to let users having the bp_moderate cap to manage site membership requests.
      • @im4th reopened #9101 as he was worried about the fact we’re adding 2 accordion sections to the site-health debug screen. It’s closed again as using a single section is not separating nicely settings from constants when using the copy feature.
      • @im4th moved the ticket about improving Activity Favorites management out of the 14.0.0 milestone (See #5644). He was the only one of the team in favor of introducing Likes as Activity children and highlight this as one of the top features for 14.0.0. Users will need to wait for a future BP Relationships API.
      • Without any news from @rayisme, he also moved the Followers feature (See #7133) out of the 14.0.0 milestone. Moreover the plugin’s scope is larger than following members (using it, you can follow activity or blogs for instance).
      • @emaralive wanted to talk about #9098 as re-thinking the Site Wide notices feature can have implications about BuddyPress documentations. But we agreed to talk about it during our next development meeting as it was getting late.

      Finally @im4th asked the team to use the 2 coming weeks to think about the 14.0.0 top features as @dcavins said “it’s nice to have a focus, so that the release accomplishes something that seems cohesive”. So far many of the enhancements slated for next release are to make administering a BP site easier.

      14.0.0 schedule reminder

      • June 3: 14.0.0-beta1.
      • July 8: 14.0.0.

      Next Dev-Chat

      It will happen on Wednesday March 20, 2024 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress.

      #14-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary