
trevor_helminski's collection | Bandcamp
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This is Trevor Helminski’s music collection on Bandcamp.

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Trevor Helminski

  1. Chandler, Arizona
  2. Experimental
  1. collection 4845
  2. followers 167
  3. following 1817
  1. "...through which the past shines"
    by Dan Lippel/John Popham/Nils Vigeland/Reiko Fueting
  2. Andrew Violette: Guitar Sonata
    by Dan Lippel
  3. Bernadette Speach: Échange
    by Bernadette Speach
  4. FM
    by Flexible Music
  5. Outermost Melodies
    by Jürg Frey
  6. Curva Triangulus
    by Catherine Lamb
  7. Ash
    by zakè and City of Dawn
  8. Apotheosis
    by zakè & Jordan Christoff
  9. Unfurled Works
    by zakè
  10. Remembrance
    by zakè
  11. zakè
    by zakè
  12. To Live & Die In Space & Time
    by Lynn Avery & Cole Pulice
  13. Rain on the Road
    by Mary Lattimore and Walt McClements
  14. Memory Garden
    by Early Fern
  15. Images of Duration
    by Yarn/Wire
  16. Yarn/Wire Currents Vol. 5
    by Yarn/Wire
  17. Yarn/Wire Currents Vol. 9
    by Yarn/Wire
  18. Yarn/Wire/Currents Vol. 2
    by Yarn/Wire
  19. Yarn/Wire/Currents Vol. 4
    by Yarn/Wire
  20. tonband
    by Yarn/Wire, Enno Poppe, Wolfgang Heiniger